Hi fellow asthmatics and asthma parents...ok, which nebuilizer do you find works best? My current compressor nebulizer is about 20 years old...yes, it still works, but it is rather large, noisy and just not very practical for me a 30 something Mom of a 2 almost 3 year old. I did break down and buy the Omron MicroAir Mesh type of nebuilizer, but it just takes WAY too long to take a treatment...around 30 min....I don't have 30 minutes to be attached to this thing. I love that it is extremely quiet, lightweight and very portable. I can throw it in my bag and go....but the con of taking 30 min to take a treatment is making me not use it anymore. So, my next step is to get another compressor style nebulizer. I need one that is extremely portable, fast treatment times (10 min or less), quiet and small, some sort of rechargeable battery would be fantastic. It's hard to get everything done as a Mom when you are attached to tubing next to your plug in nebuilizer, my daughter KNOWS this and tries to make the most of it when "Mommy's attached to her medicine". There are a lot out there and if any of ya'll have found one you like, love, or hate, please let me know your thoughts.