My Asthma History

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Back to Reality

I knew the ride of great asthma was not going to last too long......I'm really hoping I'm NOT coming down with the same cold my daughter had/still has. I was out of town when she had a fever while she was with her grandparents. By the time my husband and I got back, she had been fever free for over a day; but, started the typical post nasal drip cough. She thankfully has a great set of lungs and has the typical cough that produces normal amounts of congestion and mostly just a cough from post nasal drip. However, today I've noticed that my peak flow's are slightly down and they had been awesome over the last 2 weeks. That and I've had an "occasional" cough here and there and overall just a sense that my asthma is trying to act up. Any of ya'll get that "feeling"?? Where you know you are not feeling at best, but it's not quite that bad yet. So, we'll see where it goes from here. I'm REALLY hoping it's just allergies and I've avoided her cold, we'll see. It is hard to keep from getting germs when you do have a toddler in the house. It's inevitable!!! Wouldn't trade it in the world daughter is worth all the colds and breathing problems I have!!!!

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