My Asthma History

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Been doing ok...I've been trying my hardest to follow the advice of my new pulmo and only do treatments when inhaler just isn't enough to stop the tightness. I guess he didn't like me doing them everyday :(! I've also noticed not doing the nebs, my PF's have dropped a lot, my baseline isn't as high as it used to be and I haven't hit my personal best PF in a long, long time!! It's been hard because the neb treatments I have, contain generic Atrovent and I'm beginning to think that I need that to maintain a level of control (in addition to the max dose of symbicort, rhinocort and singulair I'm already on)...where I'm not constantly using my nebs. The albuterol inhaler, just doesn't stop the tightness feeling all of the time, or the persistant, constant, cough and congestion I continually have. At least the nebs by me a lot more time. So, we'll see next month when I go in for my PFT testing how my lungs are doing and what the results look like. Hoping they are no worse for the wear compared with six years ago when I last did PFT testing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Been awhile...

Not much else going on here...have battled a couple of flare ups..latest one at the end of June...still have cough from it. Otherwise, changed pulmonary docs..this one seems to be more aggressive with treatments. Needed somebody closer to home. Go in August for full PFT testing...haven't had one done in about 6 years...well overdue!! I'm hoping the results aren't any worse than my last round of PFT testing, but I'm not holding out much hope because of having had so many flares in the last couple of years. Interesting note though my doc said that asthma severeity can come in waves where in your 20's it will get worse, then better, again in your 30's, and finally in your 60's....oh joy. I guess I have one more round to go since I'm in my 30's. Oh well....such is life.